Professor Brig (r) Dr Arshad Chohan ڈاکٹر بريگيڈير ارشد چوھان
Professor Brig (r) Dr Arshad Chohan ڈاکٹر بريگيڈير ارشد چوھان graduated in 1982 from Nishtar Medical college Multan which is one of the prestigious medical institution of Pakistan. After doing one year housejob in general surgery he joined Pak Army.He did MCPS (ENT) in 1993 and FICS and FCPS (ENT) in 1996. He got the chance of serving in Air Force and Navy also. While in uniform he has been on following important appointments.
- Classified ENT Specialist PAF Hospital Sargodha
- Classified ENT Specialist Combined Military Hospital Multan
- Head of Department of ENT Combined Military Hospital Peshawar
- Associate Professor ENT Army Medical College Rawalpindi
- Classified ENT Consultant Combined Military Hospital Rawalpindi
- Professor Bahria University Medical & dental College Karachi
- Surgeon Commodore, Head of Department of ENT PNS Shifa Hospital Karachi

Brigadier (R) Dr Arshad Chohan got retirement from Defense Forces in 2012. Now he is working as Professor of ENT & Head and Neck surgery in YMDC Islamabad. and practicing in Rawalpindi / Islamabad.
Specialist Medical Skills
Consultant & Surgeon
Specialist Skills Otology
- Hundreds of major middle ear operations perforned
- Published “hearing results after Mastoidectomy”
- Skilled use of rigid and fibrotic endoscopes for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes
- Microlaryngsocopic procedures
- Bronchoscopies for removal of foreign bodies of airway
(Including endoscopic surgery and cosmetic rhinoplasty)
- Several thousand routine nasal procedures
- Lateral rhinotomy, fronto-ethmoidectomy,
- Partial and total maxilectomy, and radical frontal
- sinus obliteration with osteoplastic flap successfully performed
- Cosmetic and functional rhinoplasty regularly performed
- Published “ Epistaxis: An Experience with over 100 cases”
LASER surgery
- CO2 laser regularly used since 2008
Head & Neck Surgery
- Diagnostic procedures including laryngoscopy, pharyngo-oesophagoscopy, biopsies, fine needle aspirations regularly performed
- Surgery for tumors of tongue, oral cavity, larynx, pharynx, oesophagus and all types of neck dissections regularly performed since 1995
- Surgery for laryngeal and tracheal stenosis, Zankers diverticulum, parotidectomy, submandibular gland, branchial cyst, thyroglossal cyst excisions regularly performed with good results
Teaching & training skills
Practical scientific & medical teaching since 1983
Supervisor Postgraduate training CPSP
- Since 2002 supervised number of postgraduate trainees in Combined Military Hospitals
- Peshawar
- Multan
- Rawalpindi
- PNS Shifa Karachi
- Examiner of National University of Science and Technology Islamabad
- Examiner of Armed Forces Postgraduate Medical Institute Rawalpindi
- Examiner (observer) of College of Physicians and Surgeons Pakistan
- Reviewer of Pakistan Armed Forces Medical Journal
Research Work and Publications
- Hearing Results of Mastoidectomy. 2nd Author. Pak Armed Forces Med Journal. 1998;48(1): 31-3
- Sensitivity and Spectrum of Bacterial Isolates in Infectious Otitis Externa. 1st Author. Journal of College of Physians and Surgeons Pakistan. 2004; Vol 14(03) 146-149
- Total Inferior Turbinectomy for Hypertrophied Inferior turbinates: 2nd Author. Operative Results in 135 Patients. Pak Armed Forces Med Journal. 2005; 3(9)
- Microbiology of Chronic Suppurative Otitis Media- Experience at Bahawalpur. 3rd Author. Pak Armed Forces Med Journal. 2008; 4(12)
- Epistaxis: An Experience with over 100 cases, 1st Author. RMJ; 2007; 32(2): 142-145
- Leech in the Hypopharynx: An Unusual Cause of Bleeding from Throat. 3rd Author. Biomedica Vol 20 (Jul-Dec 2004)
- Leech Infestation in Oropharynx. 3rd Author. Pak J Pathol 2006, 17(1)42-44
Workshops , Seminars and conferences attended
- Education Planning & Evaluation Oct 97 CPSP Karachi
- Quality Assurance & Standard Setting in Postgraduate Medical Education Oct 99
- Research Methodology, Biostatistics & Medical Writing May 03-5, 2003, Peshawar
- Primary Surgical Skills. 2003 Peshawar
- Written Assessment Techniques Sep 03-5, 2003, Peshawar
- Nuclear & Biological warfare 2004 Peshawar
- 19th National Conference of Otorhinolaryngology Peshawar Nov 2007
- 22nd national Conference of Otorhinolaryngology Faisalabad Nov 26-28 2010
- Weekly Multi specialty Head &Neck Cancer Conferences CMH Rawalpindi